Sunday, February 22, 2009

Quilt Crazy

As I said in my earlier post, it's been a rough couple months, but as my fears subsided and my anxiety decreased I started to rekindle my LOVE of sewing....It's only appropriate that I write about my passion, my lust, dare I say my escape from the monotony of daily life during February. And let me just say I've never felt so alive. I'm quilting in tandem, making gifts for loved ones--shhhhh, don't tell, and I'm exploring my limits and challenging myself.

Most recently I've started a Cathedral Window quilt. I'm using a method that is both machine quilting and handiwork and I absolutely LOVE it. It's liberating to spend a short time in the sewing room followed by a leisurely affair with my quilt while Chris watches Family Guy. It's a win win situation for everyone.

In addition to this long standing project, I'm working on a baby quilt for a friend (very overdue, I must say) and a wall hanging for a friend. There are other projects in the que. I have two pairs of slacks to make and a blouse to make before spring. I would also like to alter a rain coat I had made in Kuwait and make a tailored blazer for myself. It's fantastic and ambitious, but the reality of my "to do list" is that it might take me a year to complete, but at least I'm thinking about what I'd like to do with my time.

And for all of you who are thinking, " how does she have time for this with three kids, two dogs, three fish and a husband?" I say, time management! Lately I've realized I can barely go to the bathroom during the day, much less quench the desire to quilt or sew. So, I make time in the evening or during naps. I carve out little chunks of time here and there and it's enough to satisfy me until the next time I can retreat to my sewing room. And, as I noted earlier, I feel that I'm gaining experience...That is, I'm learning when to put the computer down to cuddle the boys or when to lock up the sewing room to tend to housework or even how to fit in a run when I've got a quilt calling. One day I'll have it all figured out. For now, I'm on the road to having it all under control.


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